Welcome to T.C. Engineering
Our goal is to provide quality engineering and consulting services with a personal connection to decision makers. We have assembled an experienced, multidisciplinary team composed of personnel with previous relevant and successful experience in numerous projects. This experience offers us the ability to look beyond the needs of the present in order to provide flexibility and vision in the future.
Key Services Offered :
Our Core Services
Streets and Paving
Paving and Transportation Facilities Superintendent Services for Local Communities One and Six Road Plans Roadway and Drainage Design Pavement Engineering
Civil Infrastructure (Grading, Drainage, and Utilities) Subdivision Layout and Design Grading and Drainage Plans
Construction Services
Construction Management Construction Observation and Inspection
Storm Water
Surface Water Planning & Analysis Storm Water Management Storm Sewer Evaluation and Design Comprehensive Engineering Feasibility Studies
Water Treatment Water Distribution and Collection Systems Water Supply including Well Drilling Water Rate Studies and Analyses Comprehensive Engineering Feasibility Studies .
Structural Services
Structural Engineering and Inspection Retaining Walls Foundation Design and Inspection .